Bootstrap founder resources
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Last edited on almost 3 years
Startup founders must make an important decision: whether to use bootstrapping or VC funding as a way to take their businesses to the next level...
Alex and I teach our students to create an educational product first. What’s an educational product, or infoproduct? Anything small that teaches (whi
Inside FounderCafe, you'll interact with hundreds of developers, designers and entrepreneurs from all over the world who will share their experiences so you can avoid the same mistakes they've made.
Indie startups are small businesses that begin as side projects using our free time and spare money...
Starting and developing a business without venture capital is hard. In this article, learn how to do it from a person who actually did this.
If there was one course I could add to every engineering education, it wouldn’t involve compilers or gates or time complexity...
Rob Walling is the serial entrepreneur behind Drip, MicroConf and TinySeed. He's host of Startups for the Rest of Us and author of "Start Small, Stay Small."
Serving indie makers since 2013
You know the old expression, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps?” It applies to your startup, too...
Some four years ago, I started Bingo Card Creator, a business which sells software to teachers...
Mike and Rob outline customer acquisition plans for bootstrappers.
Two years ago I launched Storemapper an embedded store locator service that runs on any website or ecommerce platform...
There’s a widespread belief among founders that venture capital is a precursor to success. VC is a common denominator of the most successful tech startups, but it isn't a prerequisite...
How to start, run and sell a bootstrapped SaaS company without burning out.
The story and details of building a small profitable bootstrapped Micro-SaaS business as a solo founder. Get the ebook.
“Would you compare a bootstrapped SaaS company to a seeded company? At what point does the bootstrapped company have to raise if it’s profitable, if ever?” One founder asked me this question recent...
Zero to Sold: How to Start, Run, and Sell a Bootstrapped Business : Kahl, Arvid: BÃŒcher
I liked the idea of Jennifer Dewalt’s 180 websites in 180 days. However, unlike Jennifer who learned web development from scratch, I can already build stuff...